"He is Risen"
Easter 2019
"Prepare for the King" |
Wesley United Methodist Church Commission
"Abide in Me" for the left lectern |
Wesley United Methodist Church Commission
"Bear Fruit" for the right lectern |
Wesley United Methodist Church Commission
"I am the Vine" for the Altar Table |
Wesley United Methodist Church Commission
Pastor Lydia Rodriguez with new stole |
Wesley United Methodist Church Commission
Sanctuary scene with pastor Lydia Rodriguez and parisher Donna Adams |
Wesley United Methodist Church Commission
Sanctuary scene with pastor Lydia Rodriguez and parisher Donna Adams |
Come, Holy Spirit, Come
24" x 60"
24" x 60"
Advent Journey
Water Color by The Rev. Robin Rauh. Printed on fabric and then stitched. |

Tree of Life
Commission for friend's 50th birthday. |
We Lift Our Prayers
Made for the prayer wall center piece at my church and dedicated to our many prayer warriors. |

Alpha and Omega
Made for my pastor and his wife in appreciation for their years of ministry |

Galations 2:20
"I have been crucified with
Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The
life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of
God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
Made for a beloved pastor at my
church who is leaving us.
I made this companion piece to Compassion as a gift for my friend. This center panel is from Kenya. |
"And they were filled with
the Holy Spirit" Acts 2:4. This piece is a depiction of
Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came down as flames and
filled the disciples. It is a significant moment. From
this day forward, all followers have the gift of God's
Inspired by the painting "Worship" by Vanessa Renee Williams and used with permission. |
A dear friend brought the center panel back from a mission trip to Rwanda. She was with the organization called "Compassion International".

On Earth
The score is written by my father, William Brehm. It is called
Nothing On
Earth and is based on Romans 8:28-39.
"Lord, you have called us,
according to your purpose, and nothing on earth, or in
all of creation, not fear or temptation, not want or
tribulation can ever separate us, from the grace of your
love." |
Our Mission
I belong to a wonderful church called
Church of the
Epiphany in Herndon, VA. We live by our mission
statement which is: "To stand for Jesus Christ, grow
together as God's family and make Him known through the
power of the Holy Spirit." |
We Lift Our Praises
This quilt hangs in the sanctuary at the center of our
praise wall shown here.
here I am in the place of worship, eyes open, drinking
in your strength and glory. In your generous love I am
really living at last! My lips brim praises like
fountains. I bless you every time I take a breath; My
arms wave like banners of praise to you."


I had the privilege
of teaching a Praise Quilt Workshop in Morro Bay,
California this summer (2008). The workshop was attended
by 14 women from different churches in the local area.
This is the piece that I made while demonstrating the
techniques of Lazy Landscape, Thread Paint Writing and
Raw-Edge Appliqué. |

Mark 1:17. "Follow me,"
Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
This quilt was inspired by this passage and incorporates
the fish used by the early Christians to mark themselves
as believers. Exhibited at
Sacred Threads
June 16 - 30, 2007 in Reynoldsville, Ohio and
Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival, February 2008 in Hampton,
Virginia. |

Commission by the
Fuller Theological Seminary, Worship Theology and the Arts in
Pasadena, CA. |
Be Still
I am not defined by what I do or
what I get done.
What’s most important everyday is to be the person I was
created to be.
More important than my To-Do List is
my To-Be List.
And I will
start with “Be Still and Know that I Am.” (Psalm 46:10).
Praise Him
Made for my pastor at church.
It now hangs in the sanctuary. It is based on one of the panels in Selah and is done in
colors that complement our church building. This quilt
came about in an unusual way.
Read The Story About This Quilt. |
Hope, Tears, and Colorless Days
This is a memorial
quilt for my Uncle Larry. He passed away in August of
2005. |
Miriam's Dance
Inspired by the story in Exodus following the parting of
the Red Sea when Miriam leads the Hebrew women in a
dance of celebration. Exodus 15:20-21. Exhibited at
Sacred Threads
June 16 - 30, 2007 in Reynoldsville, Ohio.
From Habakkuk 3:4. "His splendor was like the sunrise; rays flashed from his hand, where his power was hidden."
I Am
This quilt shows
Moses at the burning bush. The Hebrew words Yahweh are
quilted into the sky. The references to I AM (e.g.,
resurrection, the light of the world, true vine) in the
new testament are quilted into the sand. |